Website Builders

With more than 2 million websites internationally, Bluehost is one of the most popular domain hosting services in the industry. And that’s not hard to understand when you look at what’s being offered. 24/7 expert support from trained professionals and a 30-day money-back guarantee are just a couple of the reasons we’re so impressed by Bluehost.

What Are Hosting Free Website Builders?

When looking for a plan, most people already have an idea of the domain or domains they want and what they want the end-websites or websites to look like. Once, only computer programmers who had a strong grasp of computer code were able to build and develop websites, but today there are a myriad of different software systems to help everyone from pro-web developers to web novices build a clean, attractive, functional website. These website-building software systems have become so popular that the best sites have recently integrated free builders into their packages. This is now an industry standard in the web hosting world which helps design, create, and organize websites with easy-to-use templates and control panels. Each package is different, just as each service is different, but many of these are intuitive to use, and best of all, cost absolutely nothing.

Tools - What Should Customers Look for?

A high-quality -builder is essential to developing a successful website. When considering the available options for free tools, make sure that the one which offers the most advanced template designs, attractive template variety, the most structural control and the best user-friendly interface is on the radar. First, take a look at the template designs available. Many come with a generous selection of template designs, but many are outdated. If you want to be successful on the internet today, the website must to look slick and current. Second, consider how much structural control their website editor allows. It’s your website, and you should be able to ensure that it is constructed according to the layout and map preferred. Lastly, it is essential that it be intuitive and easy to use. Because, what good is it if the interface is so confusing that days are wasted just trying to figure out how to upload a header logo? Whether you are a seasoned website developer or working on building your first website, be sure that it is as user-friendly as possible.

Customer Support and Online Service

If any time has been spent looking into services, most will know that many of the sites use industry jargon and terminology that may be difficult to understand. The best platforms, however, not only offer clear information and frequently asked questions, but excellent, knowledgeable and available customer support for all of their clients. Whether using a free site builder or to installing a premium one of your choice is best, be sure to have access to top-notch-customer support to help with any glitches, issues or questions that may arise.


A content management system, or CMS, as well as a content management system, an engine, are different names for the same software, with which a user can solve two main tasks:

  • Formation of site pages according to pre-prepared templates.
  • Website management without any technical skills. Filling, setting up payment systems, promotion in search engines, etc.

CMS is a very popular software product, there are more than 850 titles, there are both universal products and those created for specific types of sites.

WordPress Review

WordPress is the free and most popular CMS in the world. Its share is more than 35% of all used sites in the world. Requirements for the current version (the system itself "asks" for updates if necessary):

  • PHP programming language version 7.4 or higher.
  • MySQL database version 5.6 or higher OR MariaDB version 10.1 or higher.
  • HTTPS protocol.
  • As a web server, Apache or Nginx is recommended as the most reliable and functional, but in general, any server with PHP and MySQL support will do.

Versatility and simplicity are 2 of the key components of WordPress, and a major reason why the CMS powers such a significant chunk of the web. Keep in mind, while there is a wide variety of features on WordPress, what really makes this CMS stand out are the thousands of plugins that you can add to your site, making the customization options virtually limitless.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) tools
  • Available in more than 70 languages
  • Easy to install, edit and upgrade
  • Preview themes for your site without activating them
  • Image editing features to edit images you upload directly on WordPress
  • Wide range of keyboard shortcuts to save time
  • The world’s largest community of users, with many handy user forums
  • User accounts with various levels of access

Some CMS providers are more straightforward and intuitive than WordPress, but you still don’t need to be a programmer to figure out how to edit and operate your WordPress site. Even a web design novice should be able to master the system after watching a tutorial video or 2 online. Because you can preview anything you design before posting, you can take your time, watch a couple of tutorial videos, and play around with the editing on your site until you feel comfortable that you have the swing of things.

A WordPress account doesn’t come with web hosting included, so after you’ve purchased a domain name you’ll need to secure a hosting company for your site. After signing up, simply install your WordPress site on the web hosting service, and you’re good to go.

Joomla! Review

Joomla! - the exclamation mark is here for a reason. here This is an idea of the CMS developers, as the name itself is an exclamation in Swahili, meaning "all together!".

It is included in the top 5 CMS leaders in the world, largely due to the fact that it is suitable for any kind of projects (from business card sites to large platforms) and is distributed free of charge. Has the same disadvantages as WordPress - additional modules can kill performance and security. But there are also advantages - the system is quite easy to use, friendly and undemanding.

Minimum technical parameters for Joomla!:

  • PHP programming language (version 5.3.10 and higher).
  • MySQL databases (version 5.5.3 and higher), MS SQL (version 10.50.1600.1 and higher), Postgres SQL (version 9.1 and higher).
  • operating systems Windows, UNIX.
  • web servers Apache, IIS, nginx.

Suitable for installation on a server of almost any tariff.

Drupal Review

Drupal is also widespread on the Internet. Sites of different directions feel good on this CMS, but they use it mainly for large projects that require high performance. A not very friendly interface, together with a large number of settings, can puzzle an inexperienced developer, therefore, as a rule, experienced specialists use Drupal, whose level implies participation in large projects. CMS is considered "heavy" in terms of resource consumption, therefore it is used on productive hosting.


  • PHP programming language (version 7.2 or higher);
  • MySQL databases (version 5.5.3 and higher), Postgres SQL (9.1.2 or higher), SQLite (version 3.4.2 or higher);
  • operating systems Windows, UNIX;
  • web servers Apache, nginx, IIS.

A good option if you are concerned about website security issues. Any modules and extensions undergo a serious community review before being publicly available.

Wix Review

Wix is one of the world’s most popular website builders and it comes with free web hosting included. Wix also includes 4 levels of paid, premium website hosting to choose from, as well as 3 levels of business and Ecommerce hosting, all of which combine with the intuitive Wix site builder and rich templates to help you create your unique web presence.

Wix is an ideal website hosting option if you want to have an all-in-one option that combines an intuitive drag-and-drop website builder and beautifully-crafted templates, along with hosting that comes along with the package. Wix is tailor-made for people who perhaps don’t have much experience building websites or working with code, but still want a site of their own that looks like it was crafted by a pro.


  • Unlimited bandwidth (on VIP, Unlimited, Business VIP, Business Unlimited, and Business Basic plans)
  • Connect your domain (on all but the Connect Domain plan)
  • Free domain for 1 year (VIP, Unlimited, Combo, and business plans)
  • $75 ad vouchers (VIP, Unlimited, Combo, and business plans)
  • Priority response (VIP and Business VIP plans)
  • VIP support (VIP and Business VIP plans)
  • 100% commission free (On business/Ecommerce plans)
  • Google Analytics (On business/Ecommerce plans)
  • Accept online payments (On business/Ecommerce plans)
  • Social media logo files (Business VIP and Business Unlimited)
  • Video hours (10 with Business Unlimited, 5 with Business Basic, 2 with VIP, 1 with Unlimited, 30 minutes on Combo, Unlimited video hours with Business VIP)
  • Site booster app (on all Business plans, VIP and Unlimited)

No matter which plan you pick, you’ll be able to make use of hundreds of customizable templates, as well as a drag-and-drop builder that is easy for anybody to use, and doesn’t require any knowledge of coding or web design.

With even the entry level Connect plan you get 500MB of storage and 1GB bandwidth, and can use your own domain. If you want to get unlimited bandwidth, you’ll need to upgrade to the Unlimited plan, which comes with 10GB of storage. Upgrading to at least the Combo plan is necessary if you’d like to remove Wix Ads.

With the VIP plans you can enjoy priority response and VIP customer support, as well as visitor analytics and the Site Booster app, both of which also come included with the business and Ecommerce plans, which enable you to run your own commission-free online stores. These plans also allow you to use Google Analytics to run your site better through the use of sophisticated data.

Wix also uses an Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) feature that it has described as its “biggest innovation to date.” It uses an algorithm to build a website automatically, after asking you a few questions to gauge what you're interested in for your site. You can choose to use ADI to build your website, or Wix’s drag-and-drop editor, which you can use to customize a template of your choice.

Wix is one of the easiest website builders on the market, so when you sign up for your hosting with Wix, you won’t have to worry about setting up your site. The Wix drag-and-drop interface should only take you a few minutes to master, and doesn’t require any sort of familiarity with web design or coding. Simply pick a template that you like and then start playing around with it. It's intuitive and visually based, and you can constantly see how the site will look while you’re working on it.

When it comes to web hosting, things are made easier by the very extensive online knowledge base on the Wix website as well as a large number of how-to videos online. In addition, depending on what plan you have, you can make use of priority support, and even the regular plans give you access to Wix customer service.

Wix is made easier just simply due to the fact that the web hosting is built into the system—it's not a separate system that you need to set up and manage with an outside company.
Website Builder Features

Wix’s do-it-yourself website builder is among the best in the industry for those who want to build a beautiful and highly functional website without having to know how to code. The aforementioned ADI function will build a website for you, based on your answers to just a couple of questions about your design preference, or you can opt to pick one of more than 400 templates and customize it yourself with Wix’s drag-and-drop editor. With the editor, you can change colors, fonts, and switch around sections of your page with ease. You can upload your own pictures to use, or use free pictures from Wix’s searchable library. You can literally have a nice looking site up and running in less than an hour, without having to worry about signing up seperately for a hosting company.

Neither website building nor hosting need to be too challenging, and this is an approach that Wix has taken to heart. The company has a website builder that makes designing a site very straightforward and simple, and the hosting is included in the cost of your site. All issues involved in running the site and/or troubleshooting are taken care of by Wix, one of the most trusted names in the industry.


But I have been working with CMS Drupal since 2004. CMS Drupal and I have been together for 18 years ). A very convenient simple and powerful content management system. Especially the latest versions of Drupal 9 and Drupal 10 are the newest sites that work very well.

I certainly like the fact that it is free, to begin with, or for a basic site because this gives the user a chance to try the software then if he/she likes it can add options and upgrades that charge a fee. There wasn't anything I disliked about the brand, but it did take me a while to really learn how to effectively build a suitable and professional website.

WordPress is a strong content management system because of its origin in blogging. It is very easy for an admin to navigate through the backend of their WordPress site, edit pages and upload new content. WordPress makes it simple to organize content without a lot of website management knowledge.

This is the perfect choice for anyone looking to build a website. It just makes the process so much easier.

Wix allowed me to create a very stunning and inviting website. I was able to include the icons that were closely associated with the services I am providing. I enjoy the fact that you can have several different pages and are able to arrange them to suit your business. I was able to upload photos and there was ample space to write a biography about me and what I do.