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For starters, I do not want to pick a fight, and I am not saying this book is by any means perfect, but I hope no one is influenced by Larry Livingstone's review dated May 18, 2006. In case you don't know, Larry Livingstone is the character in Lefevre's classic, "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator", which is itself a slightly fictionalized biography of the very real Jesse Livermore. Just so you'll know. Read his review and then come back.

Again, without spending my entire review responding to the "Larry's" criticism, let me just say that if you actually read the book, these criticisms will vanish. Link is not advising traders to be loose and wild and not worry about blowing your account, as "Larry" seems to imply, rather he is stating an undeniable, plain fact....many successful traders have at one point blown their accounts.....period! Cold, hard reality. Yes, me included. Had I read this book, however, I might have prevented that. "Larry's" other cherry-picked criticisms will fade away when you read the book and understand the context of some of the quotes "Larry" provided.


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