Central Index Key (CIK): 0000200406 | ISIN: US4781601046 | Symbol: JNJ | Type: Stock.
Johnson & Johnson is a US company famous for its sanitary and hygiene products. Nevertheless, the holding's main income comes from a completely different activity - J&J is one of the largest suppliers of medical equipment in the world (1st place in 2019 and 2nd place in 2020 according to Forbes). Johnson & Johnson shares are included in the Dow Jones Titans 50 index. The main trading takes place on the NYSE. Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) stock price online, charts, stock price history, technical and fundamental analysis, reports, dividends, comments and more.
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Technical Analysis Johnson & Johnson Stock
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Fundamental Analysis Johnson & Johnson Stock
The widget displays fundamental data that will help you better understand the current state of the company than simple stock prices. Johnson & Johnson stock fundamentals include: Market Capitalization, Enterprise Value, Balance Sheet, Operating Metrics, Price History, Margins, Income Statement, Dividends and many others important data.
About Johnson & Johnson
At the moment J&J is one of the 10 largest US companies in terms of capitalization. Analysts call JNJ shares the most resilient in the sector. For the second world crisis in a row, stock prices fell by less than 25% and quickly recover by the end of the year.Johnson & Johnson has 250 subsidiaries, the activities of which are distributed in three areas:
- consumer goods;
- pharmaceuticals;
- medical equipment.
Johnson & Johnson owns several dozen brands, including Johnson's Baby hygiene line for children, Clean & Clear and Neutrogena cosmetics, Acuvue contact lenses. J&J products are sold in 175 countries around the world.
In 1886, the world first thought about the sterilization of surgical operations. At the same time, the three Johnson brothers decided to participate in the medical revolution and founded Johnson & Johnson, a company that, with only 14 employees, was the first to produce sterile dressings and doctor's gowns. Soon the company published a book, which for a long time was the only antiseptic manual. The result is a significant reduction in mortality during operations and the first step towards fame.
A Brief History of Johnson & Johnson Stocks from Simple-Invest
1888 - release of the world's first first aid kit.1892 - the development of the legendary baby powder and the birth of the Johnson's Baby brand, with which the company is still associated with most consumers.
1900 - medical aid to the victims of the hurricane in Texas. Since then, charity has become a tradition of the company and regularly reflects on its reputation, and at the same time the trust of investors.
1919 - the first overseas subsidiary in Canada.
1921 - development of a bactericidal patch.
1924 - opening of an office in Great Britain.
1954 - Launch of the world's first tear-free baby shampoo. For six months, the novelty captured 75% of the niche market and firmly held its position for 40 years - until 1995.
1960s - a decline in sales as a result of tightening US government control in the healthcare sector.
1978 - Purchase of o.b., a German company for the production of feminine hygiene products.
1982 - 7 deaths from Tylenol, a pain reliever from J&J that was found to contain cyanide. The company urgently took a wide range of measures that made it possible to somewhat rehabilitate its reputation: withdrew the medicine from pharmacies, warned people about the danger, introduced a new package for medicines with a special insert to control the first opening.
1987 Johnson & Johnson became the general sponsor of the World Child Safety Program. Over 20 years, the measures taken have helped to reduce the number of child deaths due to trauma by 45%.
1990s - a number of major purchases, in particular RoC, Neutrogena, Eastman Kodak Company. This increased revenue by 53% over the next 3 years.
1997 - closure of 36 branches and reduction of 4100 employees. The measures were taken to save the budget for the sake of investment in research and development. Despite the decrease in resources, the year brought a record $ 27 billion in revenue - and this is 3 times more than in 1987.
2000 - death of patients from Propulsid. The company recalled a product that brought in about $ 1 billion.
2006 - acquisition of the Pfizer division.
2010 - seizure of McNeil products and plant closure due to inadequate quality, a series of lawsuits for illegal advertising. The company has paid nearly $ 2 billion in fines.
2011 - Payment of $ 70 million in compensation for bribes to doctors in several countries.
2013 - $ 2.5 billion in fines to the US authorities for illegal advertising.
2016 - Acquisition of the ophthalmic company Abbott Laboratories. Due to pharmaceuticals, profit increased by 7%.
2017 - decrease in net profit by 13 times due to tax reform, as a result of which the company had to pay a one-time $ 13.6 billion. At the same time, revenue indicators showed stable growth. A number of claims and millions of compensation due to the development of oncology as a result of the use of J&J products.
2018 - stable revenue growth, mainly due to sales of medical equipment; Acquisition of Japanese cosmetics brand Ci: z Holdings, supplier of vertebral implants EIT, developer of cloud service for evaluating the work of C-SATS surgeons and robotic technology for orthopedic surgery Orthotaxy.
2019 - buyout from Google of the developer of robotic surgeons Verb Surgical; tens of thousands of claims for defective products. A large number of legal claims negatively affected investor confidence and increased the total amount of expenses - according to analysts, the company spends annually on legal costs up to $ 50 billion.This led to a drop in quotations by 12% compared to December 2018.
2020 - Purchase of Momenta Pharmaceuticals, a developer of innovative treatments for immune diseases; development of an experimental vaccine against Covid-19.
2021 began with a string of failures. A number of states have alternately refused the vaccine, and the court ordered the payment of a $ 230 million fine for the harmful effects of opium-based painkillers. JNJ shares fell somewhat in price, but nevertheless, they continued to grow steadily in April. As of July 1, their cost is $ 165.9, which is $ 25 more than a year ago.
What is Important for an Investor to Know?
According to the results of the first quarter of 2021, Johnson & Johnson's net profit increased by 6.9%, compared to last year's indicators, and amounted to $ 6.2 billion. Earnings per share amounted to $ 2.32 against $ 2.15 a year earlier. Revenue was $ 22.3 billion, in line with analysts' expectations.According to forecasts for 2021, the company should reach $ 90.6-91.6 billion in revenue. Earnings per share are projected to be $ 9.4-9.57 by the end of the year.
As you can see from the Johnson & Johnson story, the following factors can affect stock prices:
- takeovers and sales of companies;
- financial indicators;
- state reforms in the field of taxation and health care;
- external and internal economic situation;
- scandals and lawsuits directly related to the company;
- charity events.
For shareholders in whose investment portfolio there are J&J securities, it is rational to monitor the activities of both the company itself and its competitors. In the field of medical devices, these are Medtronic, Stryker, Becton Dickinson.
Over the past 5 years, the company's securities have shown stable growth, with the exception of the crisis in March 2020. However, the movement of the chart is cyclical. Analysts recommend not staying in anticipation of the upcoming growth, but making money on J&J shares right now.